Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Won't Be The Same

We just hung the stockings we will need this year for Christmas, and I think that really made me realize how different Christmas is going to be this year. Last year we needed 9 stockings and this year we need 4. That is really kind of depressing because it means we will have 5 less loved ones to spend this special holiday with. Megan and Scott will be having Christmas with Scott's family in Canada, and Steven is living in Texas and can't afford to come home. Our two foster daughters, Megan and Joyce will be going to live with their dad on Dec. 24th. Don't know yet about Chris, but I doubt very much he will choose to be with us either.

On a happier note, we got some Christmas shopping done today. I do love shopping at Target. At least we pretty much know what we are getting everyone, so that is a big thing. We got our tree decorated yesterday and it looked nice except for the dark spot in the middle where the lights died. We bought more today, so that is ok. Our two cats must have had quite a rowdy time last night, because there were ornaments on the floor this morning and sadly, the ornament Steve has had that belonged to his Grandma, and is older than he is, was broken all over the floor. He was sad over that to be sure. The tree skirt was in a bunch out from under the tree and had to be all arranged again. The cats have both been scolded and have promised to behave better tonight..LOL

My hubby is busy baking the cutouts that got mixed up on Sat., and we just didn't have the time to finish until today. We have planned and easy supper consisting of pancakes and eggs and possibly sausage (not sure we have any). The kids love that and so do we it is pretty simple. :o)

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