Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Laundry Bags

I have an order for three of the laundry bags I started selling in my Etsy shop.  I have one finished and need to get the other two done and ready to ship to Toronto Canada by tomorrow.  I have so many projects I want to work on that it seems there just isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done.  I will have more time once the boys are back in school again.

Rachel is leaving tomorrow (Thurs.) for Houston to visit Steven.  They are going to Austin for a couple of days too.  I am worried about Rachel flying alone, but she is 22 years old and I am sure she will do great.  I always worry about the kids when they travel.  Megan broke us in since she was determined to be a world wide traveler.  LOL  Reid’s solution is not to tell us he traveled until he returns.  I guess no matter how old your children get, they are always your children and you worry. :o)

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